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Tag search results for: "product development"
Nisarg Desai

  • Below are just a phases but each phases needs to pass through some tough decision this linked article about what to keep in mind when make decision once to start and progress this process.

  • In my experience most important aspect of making decision in product engineering is to ask your self 4 questions.

  • this feasible to do this things now by time,resources, money and priority?

  • doing this am I making this product useful and usable and adaptable? doing this am I making this product efficient, secure and scale-able? doing this am I making this product more maintainable, repairable and manageable/distribute-able?

  • this are the answers of the questions in order you need to think from 0 to 3.

  • if answer of 0 is positive than you need to make all other question`s answer positive and deliver at the end.

  • I have seen a lot of article that go through data gathering and following trend and a lots of other non user/consumer/customer concentric approach.

  • that what exactly contemporary time problem and that's how market is become more of gimmicky products instead of actual useful or even more innovative products.

  • by following trends and investment flows only one sided advancement goes in product engineering and that raise the bubble and sometimes even turn into economical disaster.

  • I hope my this prospects will help to keep simple and ideal when it come to making decision during the Product engineering.